Here’s something you probably didn’t know about Ukti. We’re a remote-first hybrid team of content writers and editors.
Since the pandemic, we have been working in a remote setup, relying on email, Slack, and Google Suite to keep the content operations running smoothly. The arrangement was working well for us, besides a few drawbacks like the lack of water-cooler moments and spontaneous Friday evening outings. We also faced some of the following annoyances for sure. 😪
The solution? A hybrid work model.
Yes – when the covid situation eased, and we could return to office-based work, we decided to go hybrid. My content team is spread across India, so most of my colleagues still work from home. The hybrid setup is only for the team based in Delhi NCR, and we meet once weekly to work from the office.
Our Delhi team
Below, I’m sharing three reasons why I believe content writers and hybrid work are a match made in heaven 💘
#1 Writers can Meet their Deadlines (Without Panicking)
You know what writers dread the most? (After the writer’s block, of course!)
It’s not meeting the deadline.
While working in a hybrid setting, writers can take ownership of their time and deliverables. They have the freedom to structure their workdays in a way that aligns with their productivity peaks.
For example, some of us may find our creative flow in the early morning, while others hit their stride in the afternoon. Since we can pick our own time to write, we can reduce distractions and tailor our schedules to meet deadlines effectively.
My colleague, Ridvika Arora, feels the same.
“Working in the hybrid model has been an amazing experience for someone like me who loves the flexibility to write content during their most “productive” hours but also missed the fun of interacting with their colleagues.”
The bonus of planning our own work schedules is that we can manage our time better, which helps us create top-notch content. She further shares,
“I mean – what’s not to like? I get to work on my own terms at home most days in my pyjamas, but also experience a professional environment and collaborate with my team in person when I want to. It’s a win-win.”
#2 Writers can Choose a Comfortable Working Environment
As content writers, our words have to persuade and captivate the target audience. But here’s the thing: our ability to do so depends heavily on our state of mind and our work environment. For example, there are writers who thrive in a social setting, while others prefer solitude. But hybrid work embraces both, catering to each writer’s unique preferences.
Writers who crave interaction to get their creative juices flowing can come into the office to collaborate and connect over shared experiences. And for those who prefer to work in solitude, it grants us the freedom to retreat to our preferred writing sanctuaries at home. The ability to choose one’s own workspace also promotes accountability and builds trust within the team.
Akshada Scott, another colleague who joins me at the office on Tuesdays every week, says,
“Hybrid work is true flexibility for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love working remotely and cutting out the tiresome commute, but on the days I work from the office, I feel more connected to my team, and communication channels run smoother.”
I concur!
A hybrid setup creates an environment that supports our unique creative processes, whether it’s switching our physical surroundings or indulging in activities like walking or yoga to take short breaks between work. This flexibility also gives us different windows to make time for rest and boosts our productivity further. As Akshada tells me,
“…as a content writer, the change of space helps me overcome creative blocks and monotony to bring some freshness into my work. ”
#3 Writers can Fulfil Their Obligations Outside of Work
Oftentimes, working the traditional 9 to 5 can mean pushing all the social and personal obligations to the weekend. From a doctor’s appointment to seeing off a dear friend at the Airport, there are many commitments we need to fulfil to achieve a good life and work balance. But for working parents especially, such obligations are mounting. In such a scenario, a hybrid work approach can be a blessing!
“Being a father of a five-year-old child, the hybrid work model is a blessing for me. I can efficiently manage my content work and fulfil my family responsibilities. I can take time out to play badminton, do yoga, and occasionally go cycling because of the flexibility I get working from home.”
shares Gaurav Saraswat, our content manager, who joins us on Tuesdays at the office.
With outcome-focused instead of a time-bound workflow, hybrid work allows content writers to determine when and where they work without compromising their productivity or commitments. They can take care of obligations both at work and at home.
Another major incentive is the time and cost savings, as Gaurav shares further,
“the hybrid work system helps me save the time and money I would spend commuting to the office daily. I can manage my work-life balance better than ever, all thanks to this hybrid work opportunity provided by Ukti.
Content Writers and Hybrid Work – A Perfect Match!
With the flexibility of hybrid work, content writers can spend quality time with family, nurturing those meaningful connections that bring joy to their lives. It also allows us to step away from the screen, clear our minds, and seek inspiration from the world around us.
Sure, our hybrid meetings may look like this more often.
But the space and freedom we get to pause, refuel our creativity, and return with renewed vigour is the reason why we believe hybrid work and content writers are truly a match made in heaven.